Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't STOP

Just don't stop. After weeks, even months of working so hard and fighting your desires to just be lazy.... don't stop working out. SERIOUSLY.

I did. I had been building endurance and speed for months and it's all lost.

You challenge yourself and work your schedule anyway you can to be commited only to start all over.

First there was dad's wedding and then the kids started back into school... trying to adjust to new schedules and routines. That's all it took, 2wks of running down the drain. My last run was 5mi at a great pace...my best ever, 2wks ago. I ran over 27miles total that week. Today I struggled and struggled and STRUGGLED to get through a 2mile run. I mean struggled. The landscape and wind seemed to be moving by okay but when I tuned into my body I realized I was NOT moving. I could hardly get air. I felt like an elephant or something, with my legs weighing 1000lbs each. For that fight, as hard as I was pushing, sweating and forcing one foot in front of the other... I would have anticiapated a 6:45 pace (2wks ago). Today it was 8:14. That should have been relaxing... oohh but it was FAR from it!!!.

So again I say, if you're working out or planning to, even in the smallest of doses... DON'T stop. It's just not worth it. It's throwing everything away that you've already worked for.

How bad do you want it?
FIND A WAY. or pay.


  1. Ug. I really should have no excuses now that I can visit the Rec Center on my lunches. Double ug.

  2. I don't have to many excuses except time and that fact that uhhh I do have a treadmill I have visited, now all I need to do is make it my best friend and we'll be okay, right? hmmm
